To construct complex measurement systems, virtual instrumentation combines hardware measurement instruments with programmable software. Virtual instrumentation is frequently used in, for instance, automated testing and measurement facilities, to free the user from having to operate each piece of equipment separately.

National Instruments Labview, a visual programming language that is frequently used for virtual instrumentation in measurement and testing facilities.

Advantages of Virtual Instrumentation

  • 1. Performance

    NI-Serial has ability to handle secondary interrupts is controlled by Real-Time. I/O operations are handled with a lower priority than time-critical operations when secondary interrupt handling is enabled. Secondary interrupt handling improves the determinism of serial hardware interrupts and lowers jitter for time-critical loops. However, it might also slow down I/O and raise the chance of the RX FIFO buffer overflowing. Secondary interrupt handling is a system-wide setting that is turned on by default.

  • 2. Platform-Independent

    Deugiat, nulla eget maximus elementum sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ut libero augue feugiat, nulla eget maximus elementum.

  • 3. Flexibility

    The general architecture of stand-alone instruments is fairly similar to that of a PC-based virtual instrument, with the exception of the specific components and circuitry found in conventional instruments. Both require a single or several microprocessors, as well as data acquisition modules, display capabilities, and communication interfaces (such as serial and GPIB). Flexibility and the ability to customise and adjust the instrument to your own needs set one apart from the other. In a virtual instrument, software running on the PC processor would do the specific set of data processing functions that a traditional instrument could have an integrated circuit to carry out. The only restriction is the software’s power, which makes it simple to expand the set of functions.

  • 4. Lower Cost

    You can reduce capital expenses, system development expenses, and system maintenance expenses while accelerating time to market and raising the caliber of your own goods by using virtual instrumentation solutions.

  • 5. Plug-in and Networked Hardware

    You can access a wide range of hardware either by plugging it into the computer or by using a network. These devices provide a broad variety of data collecting capabilities for a lot less money than specialised equipment. The boards that use them develop along with developments in integrated circuit technology and cheaper, more potent off-the-shelf components. As a result of these technological advancements, data acquisition rates, measurement precision, accuracy, and signal isolation have all increased.

    The hardware you select might have analogue input or output, digital input or output, counters, timers, filters, simultaneous sampling, and waveform creation capabilities, depending on the specific application. Any one of these features, or a combination of them, may be present in the broad range of boards and hardware.